Text Proposal

Text proposals are used by delegators to agree to a certain strategy, plan, commitment, future upgrade, or any other statement in the form of text. Aside from having a record of the proposal outcome on the MANTRA Chain, a text proposal has no direct effect on the change MANTRA Chain.

Selecting text for proposal type after executing the draft-proposal command will request the following parameters:

  • Proposal title: the distinguishing name of the proposal, typically the way the that explorers list proposals.

  • Proposal author(s): the person(s) making the proposal.

  • Proposal summary: a high level, brief overview of the proposal.

  • Proposal details: a detailed, expansive explanation of the proposal.

  • Proposal forum url: the web location which contains more detail and where people can engage in discussion regarding the proposal.

  • Proposal vote option context: The option set of a proposal refers to the set of choices a participant can choose from when casting its vote. The initial option set includes the following options: Yes, No, NoWithVeto, Abstain. TheNoWithVeto counts as No but also adds a Veto vote. Abstain option allows voters to signal that they do not intend to vote in favour or against the proposal but accept the result of the vote.

  • Proposal deposit: the amount of AUM deposited in order for the proposal to be considered. The minimum amount required my MANTRA Chain is 100 OM. (100_000_000 uom).

$ mantrachaind tx gov draft-proposal
✔ text
Enter proposal's title: Example Text Proposal
Enter proposal's authors: Martin Halford
Enter proposal's summary: This is a sample text proposal in order to demonstrate the proposal governance mechanism on MANTRA Chain.
Enter proposal's details: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend non magna sit amet efficitur. Nullam et est sapien. Phasellus interdum a nisi eu mattis.
Enter proposal's proposal forum url: https://forum.mantrachain.io/proposal-001
Enter proposal's vote option context: Yes, No, NoWithVeto, Abstain
✔ Enter proposal deposit: 1000000000uom█
The draft proposal has successfully been generated.
Proposals should contain off-chain metadata, please upload the metadata JSON to IPFS.
Then, replace the generated metadata field with the IPFS CID.

The draft-proposal command will generate two (2) files:

Example draft_proposal.json

 "metadata": "ipfs://CID",
 "deposit": "1000000000uom",
 "title": "Example Text Proposal",
 "summary": "This is a sample text proposal in order to demonstrate the proposal governance mechanism on MANTRA Chain."

Example draft_metadata.json

 "title": "Example Text Proposal",
 "authors": [
  "Martin Halford"
 "summary": "This is a sample text proposal in order to demonstrate the proposal governance mechanism on MANTRA Chain.",
 "details": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend non magna sit amet efficitur. Nullam et est sapien. Phasellus interdum a nisi eu mattis.",
 "proposal_forum_url": "https://forum.mantrachain.io/proposal-001",
 "vote_option_context": "Yes, No, NoWithVeto, Abstain"

Of the two (2) files, the draft_proposal.json file is submitted to the MANTRA Chain as part of the submit-proposal transaction.

The file draft_metadata.json is referenced within the draft_proposal.json in the attribute "metadata": "ipfs://CID".

Upload the draft_metadata.json to an IPFS location and edit the draft_proposal.json attribute with the uploaded files IPFS location details.

Example draft_proposal.json with edited IPFS location:

 "metadata": "ipfs://QmatNt96KnybCiuwBNyVBXiicaZJbu54ocUtznegin1zNt",
 "deposit": "1000000000uom",
 "title": "Example Text Proposal",
 "summary": "This is a sample text proposal in order to demonstrate the proposal governance mechanism on MANTRA Chain."

Note: IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is beyond the scope of this document. To learn more about IPS, see https://docs.ipfs.tech. In order to get started with IPFS and be able to upload and download files, you can try https://docs.ipfs.tech/install/ipfs-desktop/ for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Last updated