Deployment and Interaction

We have the wasm binary ready. Now it is time to deploy it to Hongbai and start interacting. You can use the mantrachaind Go CLI or the CosmJS Node Console as you prefer.

mantrachaind Go CLI

We generated a wasm binary executable in the previous chapter. Let's upload the code to the blockchain. Once that is complete, you can download the bytecode to verify it.

See the list of codes that was uploaded to the network previously.

mantrachaind query wasm list-code $NODE
# Here is an alternative if you haven't set up the environment variables to interact with the network previously:
mantrachaind query wasm list-code --node

Now let us store the bytecode on chain and acquire the Code Id. The Code Id will later be used to create an instance of the cw_namespace contract.

# If you have already set up the environment variables, you can use the following command:
RES=$(mantrachaind tx wasm store artifacts/cw_nameservice.wasm --from wallet $TXFLAG -y --output json)
# Otherwise, you will have to type in the following command to upload the wasm binary to the network:
RES=$(mantrachaind tx wasm store artifacts/cw_nameservice.wasm --from wallet --node --chain-id mantra-hongbai-1 --gas-prices 0.0002uom --gas auto --gas-adjustment 2 -y --output json)
# The response contains the Code Id of the uploaded wasm binary.
echo $RES

# Get the Transaction Hash from the response
TX_HASH=$(echo $RES | jq -r .txhash)

# Get the full transaction details with events 
CODE_ID=$(mantrachaind query tx --type hash $TX_HASH --node -o json| jq -r '.logs[0].events[] | select(.type == "store_code") | .attributes[] | select(.key == "code_id") | .value')

echo $CODE_ID

Let's see the list of contracts instantiated using the Code Id above.

mantrachaind query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID --node --output json

The response should be an empty list as we have not instantiated any contract yet.


Before we instantiate a contract with the Code Id and interact with it, let us check if the code stored on the blockchain is indeed the cw_namespace.wasm binary we uploaded.

# Download the wasm binary from the chain and compare it to the original one
mantrachaind query wasm code $CODE_ID --node download.wasm
# The two binaries should be identical
diff artifacts/cw_nameservice.wasm download.wasm

Instantiating the Contract

We can now create an instance of the wasm contract. Following the instantiation, we can make queries and this time receive non-empty responses.

# Prepare the instantiation message
# Instantiate the contract
mantrachaind tx wasm instantiate $CODE_ID "$INIT" --from wallet --label "name service" $TXFLAG -y --no-admin

# Check the contract details and account balance
mantrachaind query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID $NODE --output json
CONTRACT=$(mantrachaind query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID $NODE --output json | jq -r '.contracts[-1]')

# See the contract details
mantrachaind query wasm contract $CONTRACT $NODE
# Check the contract balance
mantrachaind query bank balances $CONTRACT $NODE

# Upon instantiation the cw_nameservice contract will store the instatiation message data in the contract's storage with the storage key "config".
# Query the entire contract state
mantrachaind query wasm contract-state all $CONTRACT $NODE
- key: 0006636F6E666967
  value: eyJwdXJjaGFzZV9wcmljZSI6eyJkZW5vbSI6InVtbGciLCJhbW91bnQiOiIxMDAifSwidHJhbnNmZXJfcHJpY2UiOnsiZGVub20iOiJ1bWxnIiwiYW1vdW50IjoiOTk5In19
  next_key: null
  total: "0"
# Note that the storage key "config" is hex encoded and prefixed with two bytes indicating its length
# echo -n config | xxd -ps
# gives 636f6e666967
# thus we have the following output: 0006636f6e666967
# You can also query a storage key directly
mantrachaind query wasm contract-state raw $CONTRACT 0006636f6e666967 $NODE --hex

# The base64 encoded response is the stored value corresponding to the storage key "config" and reads as follows:
# {"purchase_price":{"denom":"umlg","amount":"100"},"transfer_price":{"denom":"umlg","amount":"999"}}

# Note that keys are hex encoded, and the values are base64 encoded.
# To view the returned data (assuming it is ascii), try something like:
# (Note that in many cases the binary data returned is not in ascii format, thus the encoding)
mantrachaind query wasm contract-state all $CONTRACT $NODE --output "json" | jq -r '.models[0].key' | xxd -r -ps
mantrachaind query wasm contract-state all $CONTRACT $NODE --output "json" | jq -r '.models[0].value' | base64 -d

# The cw_namespace contract implements a QueryMsg that returns the contents of the storage
# So, we can also try "smart querying" the contract
CONFIG_QUERY='{"config": {}}'
mantrachaind query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT "$CONFIG_QUERY" $NODE --output json

# and the contract will return the following response:
# {"data":{"purchase_price":{"denom":"umlg","amount":"100"},"transfer_price":{"denom":"umlg","amount":"999"}}}

Contract Interaction

Now that the contract is instantiated, let's register a name and transfer it to another address by paying the transfer fee.

# Register a name for the wallet address
mantrachaind tx wasm execute $CONTRACT "$REGISTER" --amount 100umlg --from wallet $TXFLAG -y

# Query the owner of the name record
NAME_QUERY='{"resolve_record": {"name": "fred"}}'
mantrachaind query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT "$NAME_QUERY" $NODE --output json
# {"data":{"address":"wasm1pze5wsf0dg0fa4ysnttugn0m22ssf3t4a9yz3h"}}

# Transfer the ownership of the name record to wallet2 (change the "to" address to wallet2 generated during environment setup)
mantrachaind keys list
mantrachaind tx wasm execute $CONTRACT "$TRANSFER" --amount 999umlg --from wallet $TXFLAG -y

# Query the record owner again to see the new owner address:
NAME_QUERY='{"resolve_record": {"name": "fred"}}'
mantrachaind query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT "$NAME_QUERY" $NODE --output json
# {"data":{"address":"wasm1lwcrr9ktsmn2f7fej6gywxcm8uvxlzz5ch40hm"}}

CosmJS Node Console

The binary can be uploaded to the chain, instantiated and interacted with using the CosmJS Node Console as well.

Open a new Terminal window and initialize a CosmJS CLI session with the following command:

npx @cosmjs/cli@^0.28.1 --init

Now let us import the necessary utils, generate a wallet address and upload the wasm binary to the chain.

import { calculateFee, StdFee} from "@cosmjs/stargate"
import { coin } from "@cosmjs/amino"

const [addr, client] = await useOptions(malagaOptions).setup("password");
// Make sure you use the right path for the wasm binary
const wasm = fs.readFileSync("/home/username/.../cw-contracts/contracts/nameservice/artifacts/cw_nameservice.wasm")
const uploadFee = calculateFee(malagaOptions.fees.upload, malagaOptions.gasPrice)
const result = await client.upload(addr, wasm, uploadFee)
  originalSize: 140819,
  originalChecksum: 'f388fff922ffbb3845311608887636346eac6246ee20578e11e3577226466e7b',
  compressedSize: 52176,
  compressedChecksum: 'e5a1d70aedf1c2d6b1a3cbeec2981ac84c3ae48f642e221608b1624ccc6d65ba',
  codeId: 17,
  logs: [ { msg_index: 0, log: '', events: [Array] } ],
  transactionHash: '34FA5BE9991578C56961C6BA7F5B25474BAFCE44954035217A93FE91BCC673A1'

Please note the codeId of the uploaded wasm binary. This is the codeId that will be used to instantiate the contract.

You may compare the value of originalChecksum with the contents of the file artifacts/checksums.txt to make sure the code on the chain is identical to the cw_nameservice.wasm binary.

For future reference, you may get the checksum for a given Code Id as follows:

//If you haven't created/loaded a wallet yet, you can do so with the following command:
//const [addr, client] = await useOptions(malagaOptions).setup("password"); 

const codeIdToVerify = 17
const codes = await client.getCodes() 
const hash = codes.filter((x) => === codeIdToVerify).map((x) => x.checksum)[0];

You may then compile the contract code yourself, optimize the resulting binary and compare the checksum to the value of hash to make sure the code on the chain was not tampered with.

Instantiating the Contract

Now, the wasm binary is uploaded to the chain with a Code Id and is ready to be instantiated.

First define a defaultFee to be passed into instantiation and execution functions later on:

const defaultFee: StdFee = { amount: [{amount: "200000", denom: "umlg",},], gas: "200000",};

Create a cw_nameservice contract instance using the code id we have received upon upload.

//Replace the Code Id with the one you have received earlier
const codeId = 17 
//Define the instantiate message
const instantiateMsg = {"purchase_price":{"amount":"100","denom":"umlg"},"transfer_price":{"amount":"999","denom":"umlg"}}
//Instantiate the contract
const instantiateResponse = await client.instantiate(addr, codeId, instantiateMsg, "Our Name Service", defaultFee)

  contractAddress: 'wasm1s66zhks8v3fm24974crzxufh7w6ktt69jq8e3zt8q7cyvr52vlqqlzl7sc',
  logs: [ { msg_index: 0, log: '', events: [Array] } ],
  transactionHash: '27F4B6B41C36AB6B8324C125EFAE6C535093A6229CDF3665B998CD071E1566E2'

We've successfully instantiated the contract and have a contract address for the new instance.

The list of contracts instantiated using a certain codeId can be queried using the following command:

const contracts = await client.getContracts(17)

Contract Interaction

Now let us register a name on the nameservice contract instance and transfer it to another address.

//Enable REPL editor mode to edit multiple lines of code

const executeResponse = await client.execute(
         [coin(100, "umlg")]
//Exit the editor using `^D` to execute the code entered

Query the name record to see the owner address.

const queryResponse = await client.queryContractSmart(instantiateResponse.contractAddress, {resolve_record: {name:"fred"}})
//It should match your wallet address

Now, let us create another wallet and transfer the ownership of the name to the new wallet address.

const [anotherAddress, anotherClient] = await useOptions(malagaOptions).setup("password",".another_wallet.key");

//Enable REPL editor mode to edit multiple lines of code

const executeResponse_2 = await client.execute(
         [coin(999, "umlg")]

Query the name record one more time to see the address for the new owner.

const queryResponse_2 = await client.queryContractSmart(instantiateResponse.contractAddress, {resolve_record: {name:"fred"}})
//The response should match the new wallet address after the change of ownership

Last updated