Community Spend Proposal

Community Pool Spend

The Community Pool Spend proposal is a special type of proposal that allows the community to collectively vote on how funds are spent from the community pool.

Selecting community-pool-spend for proposal type after executing the draft-proposal command will request the following parameters:

  • Proposal title: the distinguishing name of the proposal, typically the way the that explorers list proposals.

  • Proposal author(s): the person(s) making the proposal.

  • Proposal summary: a high level, brief overview of the proposal.

  • Proposal details: a detailed, expansive explanation of the proposal.

  • Proposal forum url: the web location which contains more detail and where people can engage in discussion regarding the proposal.

  • Proposal vote option context: The option set of a proposal refers to the set of choices a participant can choose from when casting its vote. The initial option set includes the following options: Yes, No, NoWithVeto, Abstain. TheNoWithVeto counts as No but also adds a Veto vote. Abstain option allows voters to signal that they do not intend to vote in favour or against the proposal but accept the result of the vote.

  • Proposal deposit: the amount of AUM deposited in order for the proposal to be considered. The minimum amount required my MANTRA Chain is 100 OM. (100_000_000 uom).

  • Msg's authority: This is the wallet that has the authority to spend the funds. This is typically the same wallet submitting the proposal.

  • Msg's recipient: This is the recipient wallet address where funds will be sent, if the proposal is accepted.

$ mantrachaind tx gov draft-proposal
✔ community-pool-spend
Enter proposal's title: Example community spend proposal
Enter proposal's authors: Martin Halford
Enter proposal's summary: This is an example community proposal in order to demonstrate the proposal governance mechanism on MANTRA Chain.
Enter proposal's details: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend non magna sit amet efficitur.
Enter proposal's proposal forum url:
Enter proposal's vote option context: Yes, No, NoTWithVeto, Abstain
Enter proposal deposit: 1000000000uom
Enter msg's authority: mantra10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j3fep4f
Enter msg's recipient: mantra1q40588gdedqncyt0a77mvfmjvyngcr3vh0lsmj
The draft proposal has successfully been generated.
Proposals should contain off-chain metadata, please upload the metadata JSON to IPFS.
Then, replace the generated metadata field with the IPFS CID.

The draft-proposal command will generate two (2) files:

Example draft_proposal.json

 "messages": [
   "@type": "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgCommunityPoolSpend",
   "authority": "mantra10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j3fep4f",
   "recipient": "mantra1q40588gdedqncyt0a77mvfmjvyngcr3vh0lsmj",
   "amount": []
 "metadata": "ipfs://CID", 
 "deposit": "1000000000uom",
 "title": "Example community spend proposal",
 "summary": "This is an example community proposal in order to demonstrate the proposal governance mechanism on MANTRA Chain."

Example draft_metadata.json

 "title": "Example community spend proposal",
 "authors": [
  "Martin Halford"
 "summary": "This is an example community proposal in order to demonstrate the proposal governance mechanism on MANTRA Chain.",
 "details": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend non magna sit amet efficitur.",
 "proposal_forum_url": "",
 "vote_option_context": "Yes, No, NoTWithVeto, Abstain"

Of the two (2) files, the draft_proposal.json file is submitted to the MANTRA Chain as part of the submit-proposal transaction.

The file draft_metadata.json is referenced within the draft_proposal.json in the attribute "metadata": "ipfs://CID".

Upload the draft_metadata.json to an IPFS location and edit the draft_proposal.json attribute with the uploaded files IPFS location details.

Example draft_proposal.json with edited IPFS location:

 "messages": [
   "@type": "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgCommunityPoolSpend",
   "authority": "mantra10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j3fep4f",
   "recipient": "mantra1q40588gdedqncyt0a77mvfmjvyngcr3vh0lsmj",
   "amount": []
 "metadata": "ipfs://QmatNt96KnybCiuwBNyVBXiicaZJbu54ocUtznegin1zNt", 
 "deposit": "1000000000uom",
 "title": "Example community spend proposal",
 "summary": "This is an example community proposal in order to demonstrate the proposal governance mechanism on MANTRA Chain."

Note: IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is beyond the scope of this document. To learn more about IPS, see In order to get started with IPFS and be able to upload and download files, you can try for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Last updated