Connect sidecar

Run Connect Sidecar

Please find the connect binary or image based on your deployment preference

From binary: From image:

To run Connect, which starts the service on the default port of 8080, enter the following command:

connect --market-map-endpoint="<YOUR_VALIDATOR_GRPC_URL>:<YOUR_VALIDATOR_GRPC_PORT>"

If you are running connect and validator in the same server, it should be like

connect --market-map-endpoint=localhost:9090

Verify Connect

To verify Connect is working, run the following command:

curl 'http://localhost:8080/connect/oracle/v2/prices' | jq .

The output of the command should look similar to this:

    "prices": {
        "ATOM/USD": "4308207537",
        "BTC/USD": "6693024042",
        "ETH/USD": "2602324302",
        "OM/USD": "1501599",
        "OSMO/USD": "53054083",
        "USDT/USD": "999750064",
        "USDY/USD": "1054483"
    "timestamp": "2024-10-17T12:09:39.899360574Z",
    "version": "v2.0.1"

Update Validator Config​

In order for the application to get prices from Connect, we need to add the following lines under the [oracle] heading in the app.toml.

Remember to change the oracle_address value to the address of your Connect sidecar.

enabled = "true" # if you are not running a validator node, set this to "false"
oracle_address = "<YOUR_CONNECT_SIDECAR>:8080" # YOUR_CONNECT_SIDECAR should localhost if running on the same server as validator
client_timeout = "2s"
metrics_enabled = "true"
price_ttl = "0s"
interval = "1.5s"

Lastly, restart your validator. For more information, please check

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