Validator Nodes

Synced Node

Before creating a validator, ensure you have first followed the instructions on how to Setup & Run a Node.

Initialize Wallet Keyring

If you decide you want to turn your node into a validator, you will first need to add a wallet to your keyring.

While you can add an existing wallet through a seed phrase or importing a private key, the example shows how to create a new wallet (replace $KEY_NAME with a name of your choosing):

mantrachaind keys add $KEY_NAME

The above command will produce the following output:

- address: mantra1q55nrzygas0nespfu8mwt2yntq8gxll3kyug82
  name: validator-mchain-test-node-keys
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A/YebpAX8AqUNcNXcqIy53fJo8BGFCSaQA5A0XQWMlCG"}'
  type: local
**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.
expect kid unfair uniform calm debris meadow despair vintage arrive walnut vast upset cart step funny truth vault naive note capable spray shine human

Ensure you write down the mnemonic as you can not recover the wallet without it. To ensure your wallet was saved to your keyring, you can verify that the wallet is listed by using the following command:

mantrachaind keys list

Import keys

Alternatively, if you already have an existing mnemonic that you'd like to use, then run the following:

mantrachaind keys add $KEY_NAME --recover


View Validator Public Key

The last thing needed before initialising the validator is to obtain your validator public key which was created when you first initialized your node. To obtain your validator pubkey:

mantrachaind tendermint show-validator

Create Validator Command

Ensure you have a small amount of OM on the wallet address you are using on your keyring in order to successfully send a transaction. Once you have have a balance on the address on your keyring, you can now send the create-validator transaction.

Here is a sample empty command:

mantrachaind tx staking create-validator \
--from=$KEY_NAME4 \
--pubkey=$(mantrachaind tendermint show-validator) \
--security-contact="$SECURITY_CONTACT_EMAIL" \
--chain-id="$CHAIN_ID" \
--commission-rate="$COMMISSION_RATE" \
--commission-max-rate="$MAX_COMMISSION_RATE" \
--commission-max-change-rate="$MAX_COMMISSION_CHANGE_RATE" \
--min-self-delegation="$MIN_SELF_DELEGATION_UOM" \
--gas="auto" \
--gas-prices="$GAS_PRICE" \

Here is the same command but with example values and an example of how certain parameters can be loaded from an external file, i.e. validator.json:

mantrachaind keys add validator --keyring-backend test

echo "{
	\"pubkey\": $(mantrachaind tendermint show-validator),
	\"amount\": \"10000uom\",
	\"moniker\": \"MANTRA Chain Foundation\",
	\"identity\": \"xxxxxx\",
	\"website\": \"\",
	\"security\": \"\",
	\"details\": \"MANTRA is a purpose-built RWA Layer 1 Blockchain, capable of adherence to real world regulatory requirements.\",
	\"commission-rate\": \"0.1\",
	\"commission-max-rate\": \"0.2\",
	\"commission-max-change-rate\": \"0.01\",
	\"min-self-delegation\": \"1\"
" > validator.json

mantrachaind tx staking create-validator validator.json --from validator --gas="auto" --gas-adjustment 2 --gas-prices="0.01uom"

If you need further explanation for each of these command flags:

  • the from flag is the $KEY_NAME you created when initialising the key on your keyring

  • the amount flag is the amount you will place in your own validator in uom

  • the pubkey is the validator public key found earlier

  • the moniker is a human readable name you choose for your validator

  • the security-contact is an email your delegates are able to contact you at

  • the chain-id is the active chain with to which you will connect (i.e. mantra-1 for mainnet, mantra-dukong-1 for public testnet.

  • the commission-rate is the rate you will charge your delegates for the privilege of running the validator on their behalf

  • the commission-max-rate is the most you are allowed to charge your delegates

  • the commission-max-change-rate is how much you can increase your commission rate in a 24 hour period

  • the min-self-delegation is the lowest amount of personal funds the validator is required to have in their own validator to stay bonded

  • the gas-prices is the amount of gas used to send this create-validator transaction

Last updated