📚Common Types
The common types are the data structures that are used across the MANTRA DEX contracts.
Struct | Description | Contains |
| The epoch definition |
| The epoch configuration |
| The response for the current epoch query |
| The hook msg for epoch changed |
| The definition of the fee, used on the pool and farm managers |
| Represents the fee structure for transactions within a pool |
| Parameters for creating farm |
| The definition of an farm |
| Represents an LP position on the farm manager |
Enums | Description | Alternatives |
| Enum to filter farms by identifier, lp denom or the farm asset. Used in the Farms query. |
| Enum to filter positions by identifier or receiver. Used in the positions query. |
| Actions to manage a farm |
| Actions to manage a position |
| Dictates how the farms rewards are released |
| Rewards response used for calculating or querying farm rewards |
| The type of swap operation to perform |
| Possible pool types, it can be either a constant product (xyk) pool or a stable swap pool |
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