Developer Resources

This section contains all the neccessary resources that are required for developing and interacting on MANTRA Chain.

Learn more about CosmWasm

For learning more about cosmwasm here are the resources :

For learning about tools that are used for building dApps on MANTRA Chain, you can refer

mantrachaind cheat sheet

The following cheat sheet contains useful mantrachaind commands you as a dev would use on a regular basis:

MANTRA Chain Cheat Sheet.pdf

Commands that always help

For bootstrapping a dApp project on MANTRA Chain

  1. Install Beaker, a tool for managing and deploying CosmWasm smart contracts, run the following command:

cargo install -f beaker # `-f` flag for up-to-date version

For learning more about beaker do refer to beaker's github .

  1. To generate a new Rust project from Interwasm DAO's template, use the following command:

cargo generate --git <> --branch 1.0-minimal --name cw-starter
  1. cargo-generate is a tool that helps you to generate a new Rust project from a template. To install it, run:

cargo install cargo-generate --features vendored-openssl
  1. For building your Rust smart contract code into WebAssembly (WASM) bytecode and execute in runtime.

Cargo wasm
  1. Install the necessary dependencies for the deployment script,run the following commands::

npm install @cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate

npm install @cosmjs/proto-signing @cosmjs/stargate dotenv fs

Quick Reference

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