Chakra Pool

Everything you need to know about Chakra Pool


MANTRA's Chakra Pool offers a unique investment opportunity combining GenDrop eligibility, boosted rewards and stable yield.

By depositing USDC into the Chakra Pools on Base or Ethereum, you'll earn KARMA which determines your position on the leaderboard and your allocation of the 50M OM Gendrop.

In addition, you'll unlock boosted rewards in $OM coins and $ONDO tokens (provided by MANTRA and Ondo Foundation respectively), and gain exposure to a stable yield backed by short-term US Treasuries via USDY.

Benefits of Chakra Pool

The Chakra Pool offers a compelling rewards mechanism designed to incentivize user participation and maximize returns.

  • Earn KARMA - Each 1,000 USDC deposited equates to 1 KARMA per day.

  • $OM Boosted Rewards

  • $ONDO Rewards

  • Fixed Yield Backed By Short-Term US Treasuries (USDY)

For details, you can refer to the linked article: MANTRA Chakra Pool - how to earn stable yield boosted rewards and KARMA

Last updated