A Quick Example for Deployment using mantrachaind

This is a quick reference/demo of the deployment process for a developer to deploy, instantiate, and query a simple CosmWasm smart contact on the MANTRA Hongbai Chain (Testnet).

The Smart Contract included in this demo is a very simple contract that stores the number of times the contract is "Poked".

Poke.wasm - about as simple as it gets - click here

- Instantiate: { counter: 0 }
- Query: { value: {} }
- Execute: { poke: {} }

Step 1. Download and extract the pre-built binary

On Linux:

# Download the CLI
curl -LO <https://github.com/MANTRA-Finance/public/raw/main/mantrachain-testnet/mantrachaind-linux-amd64.zip>

# Unzip the CLI
unzip mantrachaind-linux-amd64.zip

On MacOS:

# Download the CLI for Intel chips
curl -LO <https://github.com/MANTRA-Finance/public/raw/main/mantrachain-hongbai/mantrachaind-static-darwin-amd64.tar.gz>

# Download the CLI for Silicon chips (M1, M2...)
curl -LO <https://github.com/MANTRA-Finance/public/raw/main/mantrachain-hongbai/mantrachaind-static-darwin-arm64.tar.gz>

# Extract the CLI
tar -xzvf mantrachaind-static-darwin-*.tar.gz

Refer to the Install Prerequisites section for more details.

If you are using the dev container in this repository then this is already installed.

Step 2. Setup Environment Variables

export CHAIN_ID="mantra-hongbai-1"
export RPC="<https://rpc.hongbai.mantrachain.io>"

# If you are using the bash terminal (usually Windows/Linux) add the following lines:
export NODE="--node $RPC"
export TXFLAG="$NODE --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --gas-prices 0.35uom --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3"

# Otherwise, if you are using zsh terminal (usually MacOS) add the following lines instead: 
export NODE=(--node $RPC)
export TXFLAG=($NODE --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --gas-prices 0.35uom --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3)

Step 3. Add a Wallet

mantrachaind keys add wallet

Remember to save the address and the mnemonic

Step 4. Get Some Tokens

You will need some OM test tokens stored in your wallet address in order to interact with the network. In order to get testnet tokens please request faucets at MANTRA Discord Server.

Check your balance mantrachaind query bank balances [YOUR WALLET ADDRESS] $NODE

Step 5. Deploy your Smart Contract Code

mantrachaind tx wasm store ./contract/poke.wasm --from wallet $TXFLAG -y --output json

Remember to take note of the the CodeId that is returned in the store_code event You can Query it using mantrachaind query tx [YOUR TX HASH] $NODE

or mantrachaind query tx [YOUR TX HASH] $NODE -o json| jq -r '.logs[0].events[] | select(.type == "store_code") | .attributes[] | select(.key == "code_id") | .value'

You can view your transaction using the hash returned e.g. http://explorer.hongbai.mantrachain.io/mantrachain/transactions/[YOUR TX HASH]

Step 6. Create an instance of your Contract

mantrachaind tx wasm instantiate [YOUR CODE_ID] '{ "counter": 0 }' --from wallet --label "Poke Counter" $TXFLAG -y --no-admin

Remember to take note of the contract address from the _contract_address event

You can Query it mantrachaind query tx [YOUR TX HASH] $NODE

or mantrachaind query tx [YOUR TX HASH] $NODE -o json | jq -r '.events[] | select(.type == "instantiate") | .attributes[] | select(.key == "_contract_address").value' if you have jq installed

You can view your transaction using the hash returned e.g. http://explorer.hongbai.mantrachain.io/mantrachain/transactions/[YOUR TX HASH]

Step 7. Interact with the Contract

Query the Poke Count

mantrachaind query wasm contract-state smart [YOUR CONTRACT ADDRESS] '{"value": {}}' $NODE

If you query the contact again, You should now see the counter "Value" has increased.

Last updated